Your phone was never meant to be your only computer. While many are spending a great deal of money on a smart phone, many rely on having all their information backed to a cloud server they never see and hopefully won't be compromised?
What if you can have your own cloud server in your own home or office?
With a small and inexpensive computer (Raspberry Pi) connected to a USB keyboard, an HDTV screen, a local area network, and an external hard drive, you can have a system that will back up everything up from phone.
This cloud system can be used for document storage (when uploading photos of documents from your phone or flat bed scanner) to keep track of important documents that can be accessible from a website or the Nextcloud mobile app from your mobile device.
In addition Nextcloud allow you to update documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and diagrams by yourself or with others using a collaboration system.
This system uses Ubuntu Server, installed on a Raspberry Pi or any stand alone PC, with MySQL Server to create a trouble free document control and storage system for your office and/or family.
Raspberry Pi