Website Improvements
As of June 2, 2024, this website has been updated to handle ADA (American's with Disabilities) compliances.
These upgrades have upgraded the pages with icons, to select other topic choices.
Data applications the cover the transaction and the paperwork
Wilfile is a company (based in the Willamette Valley) working on secured web services utilizing your computer or mobile devices to enter and access personal transactions
and it's documentation, using MySQL Server with .NET Fraemwork, that can store your information on low cost computer servers in your home, office, or on cloud services provided
by Microsoft (Azure), Google, and Amazon (AWS).
Wilfile is supported by a staff with over 40 years of IT experience using database services to create applications that can be used for personal uses as well as businness needs that have
been adapted to access from any computer or mobile device that has started since the early days of client/server networks.
In addition, Wilfile supports the use of Nextloud Hub for storing files and documentation using a Linux based cloud server system that can be installed on Windows Virtual Machines and low cost Linux servers including Raspberry Pi devices that can backup information from your phone to the server
within minutes.
Your information is just as important as your phone and with the increase of theft in phones and tablets, your information can get into the wrong hands.
Regardless of how much memory you think you need on your mobile devices, these systems allow you to upgrade on your own keeping terabyte storage secured in your home or office.
To be released in 2024
These applications have been under development (on a part time basis) since 2015.
Since there have been times that networks, computer upgrades, and website maintenance has been needed to keep this system secured and running.
The idea of creating web applications while utilizing MySQL Server to store personal information as well as the documentation, wasn't intended to be release to the public, but with the concerns of keeping
information secured and availale to use on other devices, it was decided to create secured web applicaitons that can be used on mobile devices as well as computers with the goal of storing the data on database in the home or using the
services of Azure, Google, and AWS (when using MySQL services).
Wilfile Medical
Wilfile Medical was tested in 2023 to see how medical transactions would be handled from the beginning of the year to the the end of year processing HRA and HSA transactions that this app will be release in 2024.
Complete documentation is being put together while file hashing is being added to make sure that when the information is entered, it will stayed encrypted in the data base services as
the data will entered in various security connections at the option of those who install and use it.
The focus of keeping medical records and it's information protected is important as some in the world are trying to
get access to this information even when it has nothing to do with them.
Wil File Employment will be available on Git Hub in 2024
This app is going to be released to work with the same design as Wilfile Medical and Accounting using Microsoft Internet Server with MySQL server.
In most cases, it is better to store your data onto other sources (besides your phone) to keep it more secure. While this application has been available in app stores, it has met it's challenges for getting it approved and working that it is better to keep it as a web application as well.
Wilfile Employment will combine work and address history using Microsoft Internet Server and MySQL.
In addition, educatoinal history will be added as well as options to add references.
This application will go beyond what other employment apps and web services use to provide an enhanced application to support
the storage and information of complete work, education, and it's history in a secured way.
This software application will be released in 2024
Every web application realeased will work with your phone to access the internet to obtain the information you need.
Wilfile Accounting Under Development
At this time, the Job Resource Management is being completed to be released in 2021. This system will be used to manage the mobile applications being developed at this time.
The application is capable of adding documents for expenses, purchase orders, and packing slips using the camera from your mobile device (Android or IPhone). Contracts can be added to job records as well in jpeg format.
This system can keep track of mileage without the need to have a gps system enabled on your mobile device to save on battery life.
If you have been looking for an accounting system, this may be a solution.
Quickbooks is only limited to finished goods and services. Those that have chosen to use it for manufacturing purposes have had troubles managing raw materials and work in progress because it is beyond the scope of the application. This system currently supports time management of jobs but doesn't track raw material usage (this will be added during 2022).
This system runs on 75 separate aspx applications, 30 MySQL procedures, and 20 MySQL tables designed for most business needs and sizes.
This system can be accessed for any desktop and mobile devices (using a web browser) and has several encryption systems used including password, screen, and VPN utilizing Microsoft Windows Server, OpenVPN, and MySQL server.
MySQL is a popular SQL server system developed by Oracle (when they acquired Sun) and is used by companies including Wal-Mart, Google, and Ebay that can be installed on any 64 bit Windows, Linux, or Apple computer. It uses it's own encryption system for accessing the database (in conjunction with normal web server security med
This app will be available on Git-Hub.