Wilfile Accounting is a complete open source accounting system (six year in development) that works with Microsoft Internet Information Servers (IIS) and MySQL Server to work with accounting transactions that cover:
Order Entry
Labor for Job Management (Payroll not available)
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Adminstration Services
and other transactions
MySQL is a popular database system that used by NASA, The US Census Bureau, Wal-Mart, and most social media platforms capable of handling large scale database tables and information quickly and securely (MySQL is used by WilFile for tracking website traffic).
This system will work with mobile devices giving you the option to store documentation to the transaction such as receipts, purchase orders, or any other business information to avoid filing paperwork for security and data control compliances excercised by many publicly traded businesses.
If you are looking for a solution for you employees to send paperwork from their smart phone to you, this is a perfect solution.
Available soon on Git-Hub
System Requirements:
Windows 10 Professional, Windows Server 2016 or 2019 (Internet Information Services must be enabled).
MySQL Server 8.0 (64-Bit)
Linux, Mac, or Windows 10 computer or Server (64-bit) to install MySQL Server 8.0 on a separate machine (optional if you want to seperate the web server from the SQL server).
8 GB of RAM
1 gb ethernet connections (more than ethernet port per server is recommended for SQL management purposes). Wi Fi connections are not recommended for security reasons as well a bandwidth concerns when uploading documents to the database server.
Solid state hard drives are not recommended for MySQL Server. A magnetic based hard drive should be used to store database information including transactions and paperwork (1TB is recommended).
SSH is recommended to install to manage MySQL Server as needed.